First of all, it’s necessary to sort out “what is a backlink”. There is no need to explain everything in detail. The main thing to understand is what it is for and how it works. A backlink is a kind of Internet manipulator. It links one particular site with other external websites which contain links to this site. In other words, when you visit external sites they will lead you to that particular site. Backlinks are used for SEO purposes to optimize a website in a proper way.
Backlinks are external links to your website. They show the transition from one site to another or from one page to another. They help to index your website’s pages correctly.
SEO backlinks are an essential part of the search engine optimization process. They help search bots to crawl your site and rank it correctly to its content. Each backlink is a part of a ranking puzzle. That’s why every website owner wants to get as much as possible backlinks due to improving website’s SEO ranking factors. It’s a type of citation or hyperlink used in the text.
Google PageRank algorithm takes into consideration the sources and the number of web page backlinks, then estimates the importance of that page. That is why when you try to search for some goods, information or service, Google and other search engines present website links in a concrete order (from the most valuable to the least important ones). Backlinks help your website attract a primary audience. There are a few terms you need to know.
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